Slayden was selected, through the RFP process, as the CM/GC on this $27 MM water treatment plant upgrade and expansion for McMinnville Water & Light. This fast track CM/GC project involved pre-construction services beginning at 80% design. Slayden provided constructability reviews and value engineering estimates to help bring the project within the budget set by the Board of Directors. Slayden solicited and procured multiple bid packages throughout pre-construction. Informal partnering was incorporated into early pre-construction meetings to identify roles, responsibilities, the chain of command, and the project team approach.
The Scott Water Treatment Plant Upgrade and Expansion will provide McMinnville Water & Light with a nine million gallons a day expansion to their existing water treatment facility. Improvements include the following new project components: site process piping modifications, a new flocculation & sedimentation basin, two new granular media filters, new chemical storage and handling facilities, and a new 0.6 million gallon clearwell. The following improvements will be made to the existing site and facilities: new site grading and paving, retrofit of existing contact basin with new solids removal equipment, renovation of the existing filter pipe gallery, remodeling of the existing control building, and replacement of the existing emergency generator. Also included is the renovation of all electrical instrumentation and control elements associated with the treatment process at this facility.
Total Project Value: $26.8 million
Slayden Construction Role: CM/GC
Owner: McMinnville Water & Light