We Work Hard, and It Shows
ENR Regional Water/Environment Project of the Year Merit Award (2022)
Spokane Riverside Park NLT Water Reclamation Facility Project
Top Project of the Year (2017):
Sellwood Bridge Replacement Project
Transportation (2017):
Sellwood Bridge Replacement Project
Excellence in Engineering Award – Over $10 million (2016):
Lake Oswego River Intake Pump Station
1st place in Public Buildings: $50 million and up (2012):
Tri-City Water Pollution Control Plant Phase 1
1st Place in Public Works/Infrastructure/Transportation: over $15 million (2009):
OR 38 Elk Creek to Hardscrabble Creek Design-Build project
2nd Place in Public Works/Infrastructure/Transportation: $5-15 million (2009):
Row River Water Treatment Plant
3rd Place in Public Works/Infrastructure/Transportation: $15-50 million (2010):
Mt. Tabor/Washington Park Interim Security and Deferred Maintenance Project
Finalist in Public Works/Infrastructure/Transportation: over $15 million (2009):
Spencer Creek Bridge
Ranked #6 out of 110 (2007):
Willow Lake WPCF Headworks and Primary Treatment Improvements
Ranked #25 out of 110 projects (2007):
Savage Rapids Dam Removal and Replacement Pumping Plant
DJC Top Projects is a representation of Oregon's and SW Washington's most elite commercial constructed and designed projects of the year. The event features the most regarded and respected projects and design professionals in the entire NW region.
Oregon Business's 100 Best Companies
No. 1 medium company: Slayden Construction
When Todd Woodley and Greg Huston took over Slayden Construction in 2002, they inherited a solid family business with a strong record of placing power in the hands of employees.
"Whatever you felt you could do, the company supported you," says Woodley, who worked as an engineer and project manager for Slayden for 11 years before becoming president. "If you wanted to take on a $10 million job and you had never done anything like that before, the attitude was always, 'go for it.'"
Oregon Business's 100 Best Green Companies
Based on its widely recognized 100 Best Companies to Work For in Oregon project, the 100 Best Green Companies are determined by an anonymous employee survey and an independent assessment of the employers’ sustainability practices.
AGC / AON Build America Award Winner
ENVIRONMENTAL RENOVATION (2011): Savage Rapids Dam Project
BEST NEW HIGHWAY (2010): OR 38: Elk Creek to Hardscrabble Creek
The Alliant Build America awards honor AGC members who build the nation's most impressive construction projects across the building, highway and transportation, municipal and utilities, and federal and heavy divisions. Alliant Build America winners excel in the areas of:
- state-of-the-art advancement
- project management
- innovation in construction techniques or materials
- safety record
- client service
- community relations
- environmental sensitivity
In the words of AGC's Past President J. Doug Pruitt, "These projects, with their vision, scope, and grandeur dare to challenge, dare to change. Chosen by you, the contractors, and recipients of the Build America Awards have demonstrated the very best in building a better America and improving our quality of life."
Safety Awards

The Oregon-Columbia Chapter’s Recognition of Safety Excellence (ROSE) Award recognizes chapter leaders in safety excellence, provides an excellent way to document your achievements in safety, and offers an opportunity to receive well-deserved recognition from your peers in the industry.
Winners: 2023, 2022, 2021, 2019, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014
Winner of Outstanding Program Award: 2016

The AGC Safety Program Recognition Indicating Dedication & Excellence (PRIDE) is a state-wide voluntary recognition program offered for contractor members of the Oregon-Columbia Chapter. Safety PRIDE recipients are members who demonstrate safety excellence in our industry.
Winners: 2023, 2022, 2021, 2019, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014

The Associated General Contractors of America (AGC) Construction Safety Excellence Award (CSEA) is an effort to recognize companies who have developed and implemented excellent safety and loss prevention programs achieved through management commitment, employee involvement, and program innovation. The CSEA Award is considered the most prestigious safety award in the construction industry.
Winners: 2024, 2023, 2022, 2014, 2013, 2011, 2010, 2009